Safeguarding Commitment
As a Church, we recognise and affirm the place of children and young people (aged under 18) and vulnerable adults in the life and ministry of the church. We ensure that children are involved in the life of the church, in worship and various activities under the care and guidance of adults. Nurturing young people for the future church is at the heart of our chaplaincy’s life and ministry.
Our Chaplaincy Council takes seriously its core obligations and its responsibilities to protect and safeguard the welfare of every child within our church community. And because children and adults need a safe and secure environment in which to flourish, we follow the Diocesan policy on Safeguarding of Children and vulnerable adults to ensure that our church community is a safe place for all God’s children to learn, work or play.
Our Chaplaincy Council has duly appointed a safeguarding officer: Mrs Yvonne Ferrari. Any issues of allegations and or concerns about abuse should be directed to her. She does not work directly with children and young people, and will follow official guidelines and procedures for responding to any concerns.
The Diocesan safeguarding policy can be found here